Project C347:
Root intrusion into waste-water sewers – passive preventative measures

Pipe joint exhibiting severe root intrusion

Pipe joint exhibiting severe root intrusion

Measures to prevent root intrusion into waste-water conduits, drains/sewers and manholes are to be assessed and recommendations for action derived to assist engineering consultancies involved in the planning of networks.

The IKT has researched the fundamental relationships between root growth and underground infrastructure in a number of research projects, and has been involved in the drafting of the (German-language) standard, “Trees, underground conduits and drains/sewers” (published in German as DWA M 162, DVGW GW 125 and FGSV No. 939).

The project is being managed and coordinated by the Water Research Centre (WRc), of the United Kingdom, with support from IKT ‑ Institute for Underground Infrastructure.

Project title

“Root intrusion into waste-water conduits – passive preventative measures (Tree Root Barriers to Protect Sewer Systems, CP523)”

Project management

WRc plc – Water Research Centre, Swindon (UK)

Project participants

IKT ‑ Institute for Underground Infrastructure


Four British sewer-system operators


Christoph Bennerscheidt

T: +49 (0) 209 17806-25