IKT – Institute for Underground Infrastructure

Project F205:
Municipal PR activities on private waste-water systems

Posted 11. January 2014

The NRW environment ministry's "Private waste-water sewers" image reference collection

The NRW environment ministry’s “Private waste-water sewers” image reference collection

In Phase 1 of this project for the Environment Ministry of the state of NRW, the tools and materials used to provide the public with information about private sewer pipes are to be refined. Various new mechanisms and tools are to be created or further developed for this purpose.

In addition, an aid to decision making about the refurbishing of site drainage systems is to be developed to assist owners and system operators through advisory services for the preparation and implementation of refurbishing projects. An image reference collection, developed during Phase I is also to be augmented, and verified.

Project title

“Municipal PR activities on private waste-water system:
Communication concepts for PR work and investigations into damage assessment and advisory refurbishing services (Project Phase II)”

Download report

(German version only)
NRW image reference collection – Private waste-water sewers (54 pages)

Project management

IKT ‑ Institute for Underground Infrastructure


Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Agriculture, Nature Conservation and Consumer Protection of the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia (MKULNV)


Sebastian Beck

T: +49 (0) 209 17806-21
E: beck@ikt.de



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