IKT Comparative Tests

IKT’s Comparative Test manhole renovation
The objective of IKT Comparative Tests is to provide network operators with
reliable and
independent information on the strengths and weaknesses of products and methods in waste water technology. IKT Comparative Tests are undertaken in collaboration with network operators who meet to follow the progress of tests. A central aspect of IKT Comparative Tests is the practical product test, e.g.
testing under construction or operating conditions.
Independent and practice-related
The focus of the examinations is not the compliance of products with individual standards or other bodies of rules and regulations, but in meeting network operators‘ requirements during installation and operation. In particular, IKT examine service life under expected conditions such as load, groundwater, earth pressure, volume of traffic or high-pressure cleaning. As a result the network operators are provided with independent, practice-related, and technically well-founded information concerning the strengths and weaknesses of products, their applications and limits. The network operators are quickly and comprehensively informed on product quality via IKT’s well established evaluation scheme and test seal. At the end of an IKT Comparative Test products and methods are all assessed with marks from VERY GOOD to POOR.

Network Operators assess dismantled test samples
The results of IKT Comparative Tests completed to date confirm the need for evaluation of the available waste water technology products and methods in comparative quality tests:
- The most suitable method for a specific purpose can be selected from the many commercial offerings available, thus reducing the investment risk.
- The actual requirements of the network operators are used the basis for the development of new products and methods, as the potential for improvements of products and methods are identified and documented during the tests.
- IKT Comparative Tests can result in a “Closed loop of product improvement”, which will lead to innovations and an improved market situation.
Completed IKT Comparative Tests:
Short Liners for House Connections (October 2018)
Manhole Rehabilitation (March 2016)
Repair Methods for Lateral Connections (December 2014)
Odour filters (April 2010)
CIPP liners for lateral pipes 2010 (March 2010)
Repair methods for main pipes (July 2009)
CIPP liners for lateral pipes (November 2005)
Inspection systems for domestic sewer networks (September 2005)
Repair methods for lateral connections (June 2004, updated with further tests Februar 2006)
Lateral connections (June 2002, updated with further tests May 2011)
Serdar Ulutaş
Dipl.-Ing. (FH), MBA
T: +49 (0) 209 17806-32
E: ulutas@ikt.de
IKT - Institute for Underground Infrastructure
neutral, independent, non-profit
T: +49 (0) 209 17806-0
E: info@ikt.de