IKT – Institute for Underground Infrastructure

Withstanding the pressure: liners for pressure sewers put to the test

Posted 05. July 2023

Aging pressure sewer pipes, just like gravity sewers, require renovation. But which methods are best suited for the job? What are the pros and cons of each? The latest IKT comparative product test on pressure sewer liners offers valuable insights. Pressure sewers are critical and sensitive elements of urban wastewater infrastructure. Many are ageing so sewer network owners are increasingly having to deal with their rehabilitation and there are different methods…

Become an IKT Certified Sewer and Pipe Expert (CSPE)!

Posted 13. March 2023

Are you looking for professional success as a sewer infrastructure engineer? There is a new opportunity now: through the Certified Sewer and Pipe Expert (CSPE) course. This is an online course produced by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bert Bosseler, one of Germany’s leading wastewater infrastructure experts. For more intensive training programme Certified Consultant “Construction and Rehabilitation of Sewer Systems”. Share and recommend

How testing CIPP liners helps sewer network owners protect their scarce money

Posted 09. May 2022

How can you as a sewer network operator be sure that your newly installed CIPP liner is of good quality? How sure can you be that it will actually last the promised 50+ years? How can you know whether you have received the promised quality for your good money? There is a reliable yet inexpensive way to find out. Share and recommend

Innovating Urban Drainage Systems together: Teaming up at Co-UDlabs Ideas Marketplace

Posted 11. January 2022
logo of the Co-UDlabs project

Interested in finding, exchanging, and improving ideas on innovative methods and technologies for sustainable urban drainage? Seeking alliances, synergies, and new partnerships? Then visit the Co-UDlabs Ideas Marketplace online and participate in Co-UDlabs’ Transnational Access call! Share and recommend

Co-UDlabs Hackathon: Developing and exploring ideas for the urban drainage of tomorrow

Posted 19. November 2021
logo of the Co-UDlabs project

After Co-UDlabs formed in the first half of the year and sorted itself out in the past months, things are now getting concrete: in a two-day hackathon, valuable project ideas relating to urban drainage will be collected, shared and thought through together with interested institutions. And perhaps even get one or two things off the ground. Share and recommend

Heavy Rain Check research and consequences of July’s Storm Bernd published in Water journal

Posted 25. October 2021
sewer cleaning vehicle after storm Bernd

The Water journal has published the free access paper “Living with Urban Flooding: A Continuous Learning Process for Local Municipalities and Lessons Learnt from the 2021 Events in Germany” by Prof Bert Bosseler, Mirko Salomon and Marco Schlüter of IKT and Matteo Rubinato of Coventry University. It describes the findings of our Heavy Rain Check project and lessons learnt from the aftermath of the catastrophic Storm Bernd flooding in July…
