Decentralised treatment of precipitation water using separation systems

Test installation for decentralised precipitation-water treatment systems at IKT
Emissions-relevant requirements for treatment of precipitation water using the separation system are governed in North Rhine-Westphalia by the circular directive dated 26 May 2004 by the Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Agriculture, Nature Conservation and Consumer Protection (the “Separation Directive” for short). The “Decentralised treatment of precipitation water in separation systems – Implementation of the Separation Directive” research project successfully tested systems for decentralised treatment of precipitation water from Category II (low-level pollution) surfaces.
The precondition for the use of decentralised installations is comparability with the centralised treatment processes listed in the directive in terms of pollutant retention and continuous operation. The tests demonstrated that decentralised treatment systems for precipitation run-off are, in principle, comparable with centralised systems, with primary attention to rainwater sedimentation tanks (RSTs).
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