IKT – Institute for Underground Infrastructure

Inspecting pressure sewer pipes: Potential, requirements and results

Posted 17. June 2016
pressure sewer pipe test rig

Pressure sewer pipes are well down a sewer operator’s list of their favourite parts of the network. Because there are no inspection or maintenance ports. Because the precise location of the pipe is often not known. Because numerous bends obstruct the flow. They can be found in practically all drain and sewer networks, but their characteristics and their special design confront sewer network operators with a real challenge when it…

Manhole Rehabilitation: Comparative testing of 13 different methods

Posted 14. June 2016
manholes in IKT's large-scale test facility

Can wastewater manholes be rehabilitated so that they remain permanently watertight? What are the benefits and the drawbacks of mortar coating, plastic coating and lining. What quality can be expected? This first comparative product test in this field gives you the answers!

IKT LinerReport 2015:
Slight disappointment on wall thickness

Posted 16. March 2016
wall thicknesses differ

IKT’s LinerReport ranks the performance of both CIPP contractors and individual lining systems. CIPP-liner samples from six countries were tested. Results are still at high level. Only wall thicknesses are more frequently below target. Most non-German companies also score well. The report includes Austrian, Czech, Dutch, German, Swiss and UK results.

Video: Webinar on IKT Research Activities 2015

Posted 08. February 2016

IKT’s Scientific Director Bert Bosseler invited network operators as well as contractors and other organisations to a webinar on current IKT activities on research, testing, education and networking. He highlighted IKT´s upcoming projects for 2016/2017, too.

Webinar: Update on IKT Research Activities 2015

Posted 21. October 2015
web conference

IKT invites network operators as well as contractors and other organisations to a webinar taking place on Monday 9 November 2015. During this 45 minutes’ webinar update, IKT’s Scientific Director, Bert Bosseler, will give an overview of current IKT activities on research, testing, education and networking as well as highlighting our upcoming projects for 2016/2017.

IKT LinerReport 2014: Use of CIPP liners expanding in Europe

Posted 25. March 2015

Liner quality continues to be high. Slight improvements over last year. CIPP lining gaining in importance in Europe, accompanied by increasing quality awareness. Liner Report 2014 includes Dutch, Austrian and Swiss results. IKT is pleased to present its LinerReport, for the eleventh year. This report is based on nearly 1,800 CIPP-liner samples taken for Quality Control purposes at installation sites and tested by the IKT Test Centre for CIPP liners…
