IKT – Institute for Underground Infrastructure

Project F215:
Handling of water drainage from private sites

Posted 01. November 2012

This study has provided guidelines for municipalities and system operators on pragmatic solutions for handling water drainage from private sites comprising: Recommendations and examples for assessing drainage water situations Conceptual solutions and methods for the assessment and selection of suitable pragmatic provisions Tools for supporting the implementation solutions Advice on communication with stakeholders in order to achieve higher acceptance of planned provisions by both the public and politicians, and to…

Project F198:
Optimising sewer cleaning, exploiting operational synergies

Posted 01. August 2012

Cleaning is an important factor in maintaining the correct functioning of sewer system, and absorbs a significant portion of municipal budgets in North Rhine-Westphalia. It is, however, often the case that system operators’ resources are not used efficiently, or that, due to inadequate knowledge of the condition of sewer systems, lengths of sewer are cleaned without this being really necessary. The introduction of optimising sewer cleaning strategy is frequently cited…

Project W036:
Adhesion properties of short-liners

Posted 01. September 2011

Short lengths of selected repair systems were tested under external water pressure to examine their potential for sealing pipes against groundwater pressure. Comparative tensile-adhesion tests were undertaken using four short-liner systems on eleven different surfaces in order to determine the factors influencing performance and any need for surface preparation when refurbishing using short-liners. The systems predominantly exhibited good performance, and confirmed that repairs aimed at sealing against external water pressure…

IKT Comparative Test “Odour filters”

Posted 28. May 2010

In the summer months, in particular, odour emissions from sewers cause odour nuisances and thus higher levels of complaints from residents. Sewer-system operators are in general obliged to find a remedy for such problems. Odour filters installed in waste-water manholes are coming into increasing use. In addition, further products which release special active ingredients in the waste-water manhole shaft are also used. The aim of this Comparative Test was that…

IKT Comparative Test “Sewer lateral liners 2010”

Posted 15. May 2010

IKT has investigated the material quality and practical usability of CIPP liner products for sewer laterals in the context of an extensive programme of tests. Practically orientated tests performed in the test pipes at the IKT’s large-scale test facility were the focus of this programme. The IKT Comparative Test “Sewer lateral liners” provides drain/sewer operators with reliable and impartial information on the product properties of commercially available refurbishing procedures.

IKT Comparative Test
“Repair methods for main sewers”

Posted 23. August 2009

Many waste-water system operators are unsure of what can be achieved by main sewer repair methods and what quality is attainable. Twelve different techniques from the three groups of methods: “Injection/grouting + injection methods”, “Short-liners” and “Internal sleeves” have been comparatively tested under defined and replicable conditions using the IKT Comparative Test “Repair methods for main sewers”. The principal focus was the testing of the techniques in IKT test rigs…