Practical research

The IKT’s large-scale test facility makes it possible to replicate site installations and conditions on a 1:1 scale
IKT, as a research institution, investigates
practical issues concerning the performance of underground infrastructure. Its client group consists primarily of operators of Surface water and foul sewer networks as well as water and gas supply networks.
The network operators define the topics for IKT’s research and monitor, and support the research through regular steering committee meetings. IKT develops project concepts, performs laboratory and in-situ tests, and prepares the written research reports.
The topics include a diverse range of technical, quality, procedural and organisational issues covering the construction, operation and refurbishing of networks.
1:1 scale research

The IKT large-scale test facility: length 18 m, width 6 m, depth 6 m
The testing and experimental technology available is an outstanding feature of the research undertaken at IKT.
Site conditions can be simulated on a 1:1 scale under replicable soil, groundwater and traffic load conditions.
Practical results
IKT’s research primarily serves the purpose of solving network operators’ needs. IKT maintains continuous contact with network operators, in order to keep up to date with the problems they face and unanswered questions.
Network-operator steering committees monitor and support all IKT research projects. Steering committee members select the products to be assessed, specify the boundary conditions for the tests, and are informed at first hand on the latest results and developments at regular intervals.
The first step in any research project is a detailed analysis of the problem. Practically orientated solutions are then drafted and tested at pilot sites. The findings and recommendations can be incorporated into operational procedures and/or actioned by the network operators.
Research topics
IKT as a research service-provider

Practical high-pressure jetting resistance test on short-liners as per DIN 19523
IKT also offers
researchers from other institutions facilities for conducting their own Research & Development projects:
- Provision of test and experimental facilities, including personnel, for simulation of soil/component/groundwater systems at a 1:1 scale
- Support for content and/or experiment-based examination of issues arising from their research.
- Finding of pilot sites from system operators (for the practical implementation of research results, for example, or for the testing of the suitability of products and methods) in practice
- Distribution of results to practically relevant target groups by means, for example, of events and publications
Thomas Brüggemann
T: +49 (0) 209 17806-18
Gallery IKT’s research
Overview: Samples from the Comparative Test, showing liners, pipe and escaped resin
IKT - Institute for Underground Infrastructure
neutral, independent, non-profit
T: +49 (0) 209 17806-0